Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January Book Meeting Cancelled!

Hello everyone.

Because there were only 3 confirmations (one that was iffy) we will postpone book club until next month. Please see the email.

I am trying to re-evaluate to make sure that the meetings are convenient for as many people as possible.

If you could, please send me a message with the following info:

1. Are you still interested in our group or do you want to be removed from the list.
2. What days/times are best to meet
3. Any other suggestions.

Thanks! Please email me with questions or comments!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January Book Club

Hey everyone!

Book Club is next Thrusday (January 22nd) at 700pm.

The book is Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by L. Landvick.

If anyone is available to volunteer their home please let me know.

RSVP if you can come...completion (or even starting) the book is never a prerequisite.

Take care!