Tuesday, August 19, 2008

September Meeting: THURSDAY the 18th @ 7pm

Please note the change from Tuesday to Thursday!

The Book: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas (recommended by Jess)
Where: Lisa Vargo's home: please see directions from last month or email Lisa for directions: lmvargo@hotmail.com.

Please note that it is approximately 1,500 pages in length (my Modern Library copy is 1,462 pages).

Abridged versions are significantly shorter if you don't have the time!

I have heard comments flittering quietly around that leads me to suspect that some readers are intimidated by this book. Don't be! This is one of my favorite books of all time: it has romance, adventure, deceit, revenge, and probably the best prison break of all time in my humble opinion.

I highly recommend you check out this great web page: http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/montecristo/. There, you will find a very thorough and helpful FREE (and printable) guide on the book, which includes the following:
  • Context of the book
  • Plot overview
  • An in-depth character list and analysis
  • A section devoted to major themes, motifs, and symbols found in the book
  • A review of "what happened" broken down by chapters (a true lifesaver in the event you complete a chapter and realize you have no idea what just happened!)
  • Quotations that are important are analyzed and explained
  • Key facts

Want to know more about Alexander Dumas? Click here!

Feel free to post comments to this blog with questions, comments, or further recommendations on this book. That's what this blog is for!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Update #2 For the Day

Okay! The email has gone out!

If you didn't get it...I don't have your contact info....or I may have missed your email at some point. If you want to be on the email list just let me know.

The meeting will be at Lisa Vargo's home. If you didn't get the email and need directions, please email me jess.kearneybryan@gmail.com or her at lmvargo@hotmail.com

I look forward to seeing everyone this week! Please RSVP if you are planning on coming so we can get an approximate head count!


Meeting Details

Hey everyone. I will send out the email with Lisa's address this evening. She lives in Waxhaw. If you are not on the email list (you'll know tonight when I post a "the email has been sent") then you can contact Lisa personally. I did not want to plaster her address on the web for the world to see. =) Look for the update post this evening. Sorry for the delay this month...moving is more work than I remember!

take care

Friday, August 8, 2008

August meeting: 8/19/08 @ 7pm

We're meeting to discuss "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris on Tuesday, August 19th at 7pm.

The location will be announced shortly, likely via e-mail. Please comment on this post or send an e-mail to either Jess or me if you have any questions.