Friday, September 19, 2008

October Meeting: Oct. 23rd @ 7pm: EAT, PRAY, LOVE

The book is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Meeting is on Thursday, October 23rd @ 7pm.

Vicki is hosting. E-mail: or 704/847-3219 for directions!

If a few can plan to bring a snack (or wine) that would be great.

RSVP for event by commenting to this post!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September Meeting Tomorrow!

Hey all!

The meeting tomorrow is at Lisa's home again. Please refer to the email for further information. If you did not get the email you can contact her for directions at

The meeting is at 700pm.

You do not have to finish the book to come chat with us!

Please RSVP by posting a reply to this blog.
