Friday, September 19, 2008

October Meeting: Oct. 23rd @ 7pm: EAT, PRAY, LOVE

The book is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Meeting is on Thursday, October 23rd @ 7pm.

Vicki is hosting. E-mail: or 704/847-3219 for directions!

If a few can plan to bring a snack (or wine) that would be great.

RSVP for event by commenting to this post!


libbysings said...

I am so looking forward to this one! I am only through Italy, but I identify so strongly with what is going on. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Thursday!


Ashley said...

Livina - RSVP maybe

Ashley said...

Linda - yes

Ashley said...

Ashley - yes

diane said...

Diane can't :-( Thursdays unfortunately are not going to work for me these days.

Jess said...

with bells on!